Target, release, experiment.
Supercharge your application features and gain the control and confidence you need to rollout better software faster.
Featureflow makes feature flags simple.

Feature Management
Rollout Management
Feature Targeting
Variant Testing

Gradual Rollouts
Gradually release a new feature to users to reduce risk and evaluate performance or release multiple variants of a feature at once
Rollout plans
Migrate your entire environment feature state across environments to easily enable rollout schemes. Rollback simply by enabling the previous scheme.

Feature Management
Separate code deployment from feature release. Manage features on multiple projects and multiple environments from your own local environment through to dev, test and production using feature flags.
Realtime Environment and Component Inventory
Know instantly when features become available in an environment with real time availability updates. As soon as its released, you’ll know its ready to turn on

Feature Targeting rules
Target your features and feature variants to a single user, a group of users, a country, or any other variable you wish to. For example, enable new features to ‘beta’ users only.

Multi-variant A/B Tests and Experiments
Run ab tests between feature variants. Evaluate the effectiveness then migrate to the winner. Compare multiple variants of a feature against each other, get insights over the lifetime of your experiment for valuable insights.
Team Management
Invite new users and manage the permissions they have across environments. Allow only selected users to manage specific features.

Small Teams

Large Teams
Coordinate features across multiple platforms.
Featureflow is the glue that brings your product owners, devops, devs and external teams together.
full-stack and multi-language SDKs
featureflow SDKs are available in java, javascript, nodejs, .net, ruby, go, elixir, erlang, android, ios, react, angular and more..